Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm back!

It was actually Yu-chan that inspired me to write this post, probably because he updated his blog too. XD Any'ay, how've you all been? I've been so busy, tired, jet-lagged *add more depressing words* that I almost forgot about this blog. Oh well! Time for some 'updation'.

Since my last post I've journeyed to the UK, gotten over my jet lag, and received one university acceptance. It was quite an invigorating experience really, apart from the incident where a random African man tried to pick me and my mum up for a 'drink or two' down at the local bar. Quite scary. o.o And he was already drunk and a bit too friendly for Mum's liking. "I like your daughter!" he said. Ha. What a douche. The weather in Glasgow is depressing. It made me want to curl up and hibernate for however long we were there for. On the other hand, the midlands were joyous and just the right temperature for me to handle. =D

School's been hectic. I've had to deal with more than three major projects due all on the same day, homework that is too long to actually complete for the next day and tests, which I had no chance to study for because of my constant involvement in...musical...activities. I know, I know, it's my last year and I really must be more serious, but I really do love Jazz Band. Even though that's pretty depressing now too. Some of our new members aren't very interested in the band at all and don't even show. But we did fine in the 3rd Sohar Jazz Festival. I was actually asked after by the name of 'the chick bassist'. Haha!

I've been wondering. Why is it that so many people on Facebook these days have profile pictures of them strumming guitars even if they don't really play? One of my friends said, "Maybe it's because they think it's sexy", but honestly I don't see the point. Poser alert? Now now, shouldn't judge, Astal.

On the J-Drama side, I've finished the entire run of Hana Yori Dango, HYD Season 1, 2 and the final which is a movie. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, even though I suffered from procrastinating my TOK essay for 2 hours. ^_^ But that's the story of many IB students' life I suppose. In my own case, I feel like I just have to bum around regularly in order to have energy to work on long projects. Call it procrastination or whatever, but it seems to work. ;] My favourite anime site is basically shutting down ( they call it 'becoming legal' ). Apparently the anime industry is suffering quite a bit so the Japanese companies are completely against fansubs as of now. Ah well, I'll just find something better to do. Like...practice bass.

'Twas the last day of school. Winter break, here I come!


P.S. If you want to kill some time in a fun way, check out 'Bloody Monday'. It's a J-drama that's got me on the edge of my seat...

P.P.S. Note to self: Twilight is the new Harry Potter. Or is it?


yuseff said...

Bloody monday?? Hmm should check it out.

Now that you mention it, twilight might actually be so..

Sara said...

Nooo ... don't say that! Don't say Twilight is the new HArry Potter xD